Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Sorry this is going to be pretty short, but I need to get alot of things done D: Well I'm back from china! Since the trip was pretty long and china doesn't allow blogspot there might be some things I leave out when I tell you guys about my trip more elaborately later on. I missed you guys <3 :DDD
P.S. If you ever have a chance to take a flight during the night, bring a large jacket, because if you look out the window in airplane mode with the jacket blocking the airplane's inside's light you'll see stars xD It's really pretty C:

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A New Adventure Awaits!

Hello ! :D I'm leaving for china tomorrow ( ´∀') . So nervous to meet my relatives since I changed alot (ahemahemfatahemahem) xDDD (T▽T) Well I'm excited to go shopping in China and going on an airplane and visiting the so called "panda mountain" >:DDD People say they hate long airplane flights, but i find it really fun o u o. Am I weird? It's like once in a while the flight attendant comes and brings you something like a drink or food, and then sometime's there's a movie and you bring something fun so you can do something fun on the plane  ( ゜∀゜) I think it's fun as long as you don't hate the person sitting beside you (lol) (jk) :D Though even if I went to summer school I wouldn't be sad because most of my friends are going to summer school and it seems nice (≧∇≦).Bwhahaha which reminds me, I got my friend obsessed with black butler >:3 (because Sebastian is, well to say.. LIKE A BOSS) (I feel like someone's going to face palm on that ) (o u o) There's a new anime I've been watching called Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko . It's pretty interesting, but i guess it's boring if you want action xD. Unfortunately it was just uploaded on the site where I can watch without it dieing of lag ;~;, so I'll have to wait till I get back </3.  Ah well I better get to sleep, so hope to blog in china! If I can, I will post many pictures ♥!

 ♥ Thanks for reading  

 ♥ There are places to go, people to see, and lessons to learn, and expectations to meet, but if you rush too much you'll end up ignoring the most important thing; enjoying the time you have to make memories  

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Woop Woop SUPRISE!

Summer break started! (well like a week ago e u e, but I was lazy  ♥ ) I'm going to China on July 4th so if Blogger works then I'll be blogging from China  ♥ :DD Going to be gone for 2 months :(. But I can't wait to try yummy and exotic food o u o :(:) (lol x3) Today's weather is nice, it's sunny and all that, a plant started growing in my withered plant filled bottle so I cleaned it out and put it back into the cleaner bottle! :D (too lazy to take pictures though) Today I also had time to experiment with a craft I've been wanting to try. So here's a tutorial! :D

How to make a budget under $5 bulletin board
Items needed:
  • Foam board
  • scissors
  • tape (clear duct tape)
  • wrapping paper
  • String (any kind as long as it's durable)
What makes this so cheap? You can get the foam board, clear duct tape and wrapping paper at the 99 cents store :D! Or you can reuse last year's Christmas wrapping paper. I'm pretty sure most of you have scissors and string at home :DD

Step 1: Get the foam board and draw a line in a middle (you can do this with a marker gently, or gently press the scissor into the foam board to make imprints)

Step 2: Stab many times along the line :D (this will make it easier to cut and also makes your stress relieved! (lol) (jk) ♥ )

Step 3: Cut on the line, it should be easier since you stabbed through the stiff foam
Step 4: Place the 2 pieces on top of each other and tape the edges together ( basically we're enforcing it to make it stronger and so that thumbtacks won't poke through and hurt anyone, so like this: 1 big board= cut in half ( 2 pieces)= tape into 1 piece=stronger) (sorry if I'm confusing you o-o;)

Step 5: Turn it on the back side (whatever side looks worse) and you can add the string this will be like a hanger so cut a long piece of string fold in half and tape it so it forms like an incomplete triangle? ( I also used stapler to make sure it stays on) You can also attach this after the wrapping paper if you feel like it will be troublesome
Step 6: cut out a huge piece of wrapping paper (like two of your boards on top of each other) and put the good side facing down. (wrapping the board is optional, you can leave it like a blank surface, but I think wrapping paper makes it look better) Wrap, be sure to cover the edges, but you don't have to cover the whole back area, after you finish wrapping be sure to tape down any paper sticking out

Step 7: You're done! , you can choose to not have the string and not hang it, hang it by using a nail or thumbtack :D Have fun organizing your reminders and papers on this cheap bulletin board

* The good thing about having two layers of foam board is that the thumbtacks won't poke through so your fingers won't get pricked o u o *

~ When I made this I accidently put the wrapping paper upside down xD.. so now my bears are hanging upside down ; ~ ;, at least they'll be good at handstands? xD~
( I thought of this myself so I didn't steal any ideas or anything o-o; I just never saw this so though I would post this o u o)

:D Thanks for reading, I'll upload pictures when I'm not lazy = v =

~Don't say everday is the same, it is only the same because you're not changing the way the days are, so try something new!~

I'll miss you gals/guys when I go to china if I can't blog ;~;

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Tomato Scrub ♥

♥ Tomato (with stem!)                          
♥ Sugar
♥ Knife


* Step 1: Put the tomato on it's side and cut the stem off (not as thin as just skin though)
Step 2: Dip the tomato in sugar, and start massaging your skin with it : D (or you can sprinkle the sugar on it) (with the stem side facing up!)
Step 3 : Throw away the tomato stem part and eat the tomato >:D
* It's best to do this after you wash your face or a nice hot shower , because it will exfoliate your dead skin cells and also replenish with the vitamins in the tomato :D *

Ways to eat the tomato:
♥ Make soup with it :D! (just boil with some water and add some whisked egg if wanted :D(be sure to stir  it after you add the egg XD) 
♥ Cut it up, sprinkle some sugar and eat it >:D!
♥ Suck the juice like a vampire :3, then eat the rest
♥ Cut wedges and put it into a salad or eat plain!
♥ Make a sandwich and put it in >:D
♥ Make pasta sauce with it
♥ Chomp away xD!~

♥ Enjoy your tomato :D! 

Lotte Waffle Cookies ( ・ω・ )

Rating: Taste: ♥  Look(+package) : ♥ Price: 
Lotte Waffles is what it is called. The packaging is a box and inside are 2 packets of cookies. I think each packet comes with 4-6 cookies? On the box it says "European style", and  it is gold and red xD. The cookies are shaped like roughly cut round waffles. They are thin and crispy though, (kind of like one of those asian crackers that are shaped like an egg roll and has sesame seeds on it except not flaky?). It is sweet and crunchy, but not too sweet. :D I like it because it doesn't make one feel sick, but it is a crunchy thin sweet cracker (cookie) :D. (and you can't really taste the butter and sugariness like in American cookies) It is 95 calories per packet, and I baught it for 2 for 99 cents at woori :D! I reccomend it, if it isn't too expensive :)

♥ Nomomom 

~ A Breath of Fresh Air ~

YAY School is almost over, promotion is on Thursday!~ (≧∇≦)
     I had a busy week, everything's going in a blur with finals and stuff. I tried out for orchestra, but unfortunantly I got into the lowest one :(, but it's alright because I'll be with my friends! :D 

    I went to a korean market yesterday called Woori and they have such cheap food. I also went for this free makeup samples, but ended up buying stuff for $50? D: Anyways I got strawberries (a huge box for $3.99 ♥ ) , a huge watermelon from hmart (and it was really sweet :D), and tomatoes from wholesome choice xD. Anyways from woori I got some korean snacks :3 (lotte waffles, corn puff chips, chocolate mushrooms, and stuff xD) unfortunantly I think my chocolate mushrooms melted into a block again.. but they are still good xD! I will be posting a review on the waffles and maybe if I'm not lazy the sunscreen and hydrating toner thing from amore (lineage; amore is the makeup store) Also I will post a tomato scrub? :D (using the stems) 

         On friday, my school had a promotion dance, it was pretty fun.. but I mostly stayed, ate yummy food, and dragged my friend into the photo booth (because she looked so cute with her hair down xD) I left early though :D, everyone was so pretty! The food was pasta and the desserts were like cupcakes,donuts,cookies and they also had punch or lemonade (not sure which one) The garlic bread was amazing; I think I'm a pro at food stacking ;D (jking xD) 
      Today is fathers day so happy fathers day to all the daddies out there :D! (my family baught polos for my dad and we ate these yummy asian cold dishes o u o). Earlier today, I was cleaning my room (hardcore cleaning >:D!) and my desk looks so clean now (I clean by sections) I got rid of more old clothes in my closet, and I realized "wow, I used to have so much clothes!" but I can't wear them anymore because I outgrew them :(. I still need to clean other areas xD!

On July 4th I will be leaving for china! :D So I'll be sure to post blog posts from there ♥ (reviews of food, things I did, just stuff xD)

♥ Hope you have a great summer, or pass your finals with A+++++ XD 
♥ Thanks for reading!

♥ Don't always rush, stop sometimes and look around, then you will spy life's little pleasures 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Radishes are dancing like a boss o u o

    I had a good day today... but it may be my last good day D:! (joking) I just have auditions this week and my Spanish final next week -SIIIGGHHH- hope I do well > u <. I got pink eye this week (or it was bug bites on my eye) and then a bug bit my other eye @ n @ , then half of my face was bitten. (but happily the tiger balm did it's magic and it disappeared! :D) My mom bought white radish yesterday and then cut it and dried it <3 Now our garden looks like an "Asian" garden. (An "Asian" garden is just my preference of the kind of gardens I usually see that Asians have (not to be raciest >.<!!!)) Basically an "Asian" garden has a clothes line, a place where you dry herbs and food, lots of flowers, food, and a tree, and it's pretty green and healthy xD! 
Anyways here is how to make dried white radish:  
1. Clean the big white radish and cut off the leaves
2. Cut it in half (hot dog way) then cut the 2 pieces in half again (hamburger way) and lastly cut it in half (hot dog way)
3. Cut a slit into the pieces
4. Hang it on the clothes line by inserting the pieces onto the clothes line.

   Today I went to an Vietnamese town, and there was a LOT of restaurants for Pho or Thai or rice cake xD! (the green layered one is coconut and it is very creamy and yummy) (unfortunately I didn't bring my camera so I don't have any) They also had this huge food market , which was like a supplier for  restaurants? Best of all, there was this huge container full of... STRAWBERRY BOBA (and mango and honey dew <3 ) Though it was expensive > w < . They also had a lollicup (yum <3 ) I got pineapple tea this time ; u ;.

Be sure to watch the sky on June 5th, 3-8pm , for the Venus transit in front of the sun! (it is a rare event only possible to see again in 2117) <3.

Thank you for reading my blog! <3 :)

P.S. Radish dances in anime are so funny xDDD 

"Always take chances, because some of them can be surprisingly sweet <3 "

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Solar Eclipse

We had a solar eclispe on Sunday. Did anyone else see it ? I saw it, but the clouds were mostly covering it xD I've been addicted to reading black butler. (NANANA NA NA BLACK BUTLER! xD) but... I WANT CHAPTER 70 TO COME OUT D:< (go Sebastian and Ciel! <3 ) I had a good week this week, but THERE ARE SO MUCH TESTS! D: (well next month), and I have to say that math is one of my weak points ; - ;..... and also the fact that I find it hard to concentrate - _- o n o.... So yeh I probably should get back to work > u <! Hope you enjoy these pictures <3 Thanks for reading! :D

"It's the end of the world!" "What do you want to do the most?!" "Eat cake..." "....., can't you be more ladylike?" "Nope :D" "Oh well, OFF TO CAKE!" "YURYURYUR" And so the random people ran off to eat cake before the world ended o u o hurhur

Monday, April 30, 2012

WOOT WOOOT aww....

So.. HAII :D I went to the 99 cents store (HOORAY!), but now I have to finish the work I didn't finish (A.K.A 2 projects, 2 study guides, a wordly wise unit, and derpiness XD), so aww :c but I baught some cool stuff at the 99 cents store e u e (YAY). Sooo I baught a  sakura cherry blossom perfume ;u; (it looks pretty (bottle) and smells alright :'D) (WOOT WOOT ♥ ) , I baught bubble mailers ♥ (for my shop?), stuff for my poetry project (which kinda failed because instead of letter stickers I bought number stickers ;-;) I baught a brush-comb :'D (because I needed a new one) and these really good pens >:D ALL FOR 99 CENTS! (free advertising XDD!!!) (lol jk ) ♥ But I'm really happy ouo. Also my mom baught me this "waist trimmer", should i be offended? LOL jk xDDD I wore it and it feels weird but its also interesting xDDDD. (yeryeryer) (btw, I am not offended if people call me fat, because I am fat, and I became fat, because I grew lazy during the summer of 7th grade xD... I also baught $10 white sneakers at target (hip hip hooray!) , I know white shoes get dirty easily, but... I PLAN TO CUSTOMIZE THEM >;3 (what an awesome idea ♥ ). I plan to buy Mod podge and like stick manga scenes on it <3 (okatouness ♥ ) XD I just hope it works with printer paper ♥.Yeah.... I love going to the 99 cents store.... (but I buy alot of random things xDD) okay now... I NEEDA STOP PROCRASINATING -crashes self into wall- -jk- -I could never do that - -boohoo- -derp- ♥ Hope chu readers get your hw done soon and sleep alot! XD Yerpyerpyerp ♥ 

~An opportunity is always near you, just look hard for it :D~

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sorry Sorry! D: I know I've been neglecting this blog alot D;. Not much has happened, but I've gotten alot of stress lately. Since star testing is almost coming up (next week!) My teachers have piled up a ton of projects and hw x n x. I know I shouldn't complain, because its still alot better then high school but I CANT HELP IT D:. -insert rant about too much stuff from school and i have no life here- xD So yeah ... I've been wanting white sneakers lately, because I really want to make these comic book shoes.. except using manga. (YURYURYUR EPICNESS INSERTED IN MANGA <3 )(wow I'm so hyper xD, ~weird atmosphere ~) (hurhurhur <3) Anyways it seems to me that alot of people are getting sick D:! (Oh no!!) So please get well soon sick people (that sounded wrong) okay... Please get well soon people who have cold,flus, allergies, and boredom <3 My shop is opening soon :D! <3 Remember always...... SLEEP ALOT! <3 (because sleeping is good for you, you know ;D)(P.S. Maid sama... <3 LOLOL)

~May happiness always come your way~

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Food is my only love ♥

 -leforeveralone- LOL jking :D, sorry I haven't been blogging much (I don't have much going on in my life D: ) On Friday I went with my good friend to Albertsons to buy my lunch :DD (I'm making lunch next week). Anyways I also baught a bento box, chopsticks, onigiri mold, and separaters (dividers). xD.. The bento box and chopstick were plain so I made a sticker and stuck it on o u o. In total I think I spent about 30 dollars? (including the food) Hoooray! <3 The onirgiri mold has instructions so I hope I can make some good rice balls e u e. Today I made a deal with my mom that if I read this chinese book that I'd get to bake whatever I wanted. (Usually she doesn't let me bake, because she thinks I eat it all and grow fat >^<....) So I decided to bake egg muffins (search "Korean egg muffins" on youtube and click the one that has a plate of muffins with an egg in the middle (aerieskitchen i think) Anyways the process was messy for me, but they turned out really well. The muffin tin I had was too small for an egg, so I only did one muffin with an actual egg, and did the rest plain. IT TURNED OUT REALLY YUMMY XD!!! The inside is fluffy and slightly sweet, it smells like corn bread, and its like golden brown. Delicious <3.. yeah I've had a pretty good week so far (: :'D

 Even the hardest things, will turn into a big surprise, and usually a good one (: 

Thanks for reading ♥ 

Saturday, March 17, 2012


I guess I'm one of those people who are easily contented, truely, but alot of the time I'm selfish e n e. Anyways I got a super early birthday present today, its this giant bear o u o. I baught it from costco for 29.99 (kind of expensive for a bear i guess ; n ;) but still <3 ! Also, today rained! :'D YAAAY! the bear is 53" and I'm a bit taller than it e n e. Also on friday my friend and I baked a cake, and we decided to bake a watermelon cake. In the end, the outside was like a normal yellow cake (since we used cake mix) and the inside was watermelon colors, 

pretty cool e u e. Now all i need to do to able to die contently is to 1. eat alot of cake o u o 2. plant a garden of rainbow roses 3. travel the world!
Hoooray! :D 

Sorry I havn't posted much lately, not much to post about :D

 Thanks for reading 

Be grateful for what you have, and you'll find happiness 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Daylight Savings! :D:

 Hooray for daylight savings! (not really) xD
Yesterday I kind of made dinner x.x (mom help me with cutting the chicken when cleaning it) ISN'T IT AWESOME XDDD. (lolol) :'D It tasted alright... but not that crispy on the outside x.x. Heres the recipe for the cucumbers:
you need: lemon juice, cucumber , soy sauce, sesame oil , salt, and pepper
Cut the cucumber in half (short side)
Cut the cucumber into circle peices
Put the circle peices into many stacks and cut the stacks in half
Then put it in a bowl
Add the lemon juice, soy sauce and sesame oil
                                                                        and mix  , then add the salt and pepper and mix
                                                                       and your done! Hooray :'D
                                                                        Ok bye now o.o, sorry if this was boring xD...
                                                                          Thanks for reading

  Love food, enjoy cooking, and be grateful for life, because you only have one to live it happily   

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Mana potions/Mp xD

Sorry its blurry~
If you don't understand what it is , search up Mana Potion. (it's a gaming item) XDD

The Park ♥

E O S lipbalm - Summer fruit ☺

           Hehe, I've been talking about this for weeks, before buying it I've done my research,and  finally decided to buy this lip balm that everyone was raving about. ♥ (hehe :3) I don't usually wear lip balm because I don't like the stickiness of some lip balms, but my lip was dry, so I baught it xD. I love the packaging, its a beautiful pastel color, or in my case a reddish color (:. It is shaped like a capsule, and you twist it to open it, on top of the packaging is the logo (EOS). Once you open it there are plastic things covering the inside of the container (therefore, the lip balm does not smear ☺ ) You can use it right after you open the capsule, it is hardish and smooth, just smile and rub it on your lips (or  whatever way your comfortable with it), it smells extremely nice, and does not feel oily at all (or sticky!) ☺ It actually taste pretty good too (LOLOL I licked my lip a little), it has a sweetish flavor, but don't eat it xD.... So yeah, just because I love this lip balm, I've decided to only buy this brand of lipbalm >;3 ♥ Rating : over 9000 ♥ (lololol) So yeah, if you want a comftorable, smooth, cool looking , and nice smelling lip gloss get it! ♥
(I'm so addicted to it) (LOLOL sounded wrong D:) (sorry xD...)

♥ Thanks for reading this review ♥


</3 terribly sorry you guys ): I haven't posted anything in a week (after I promised to do a review and add pictures) Dx SORRY -bows- Please don't stop reading my blog </3 ;< jk 

Lol, but yeah I haven't posted much because I was very busy/lazy this week (excuses excuses xD) . One thing I'm extremely glad is that I finish my level 7 cm testing ♥ (Now if only I can pass >w<) , Umm I'm opening a facebook shop soon (still deciding) , I'm going to China if my math improves (fail asian Dx...) xD. Umm yeah, I'll post pics up soon (if my internet isn't dead ): )

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Trees :)

YERYERYER, hallo everyone :'D
Sorry I didn't post anything on friday, mostly because my friend and i walked home from school. We went to Rite Aid and I baught an eos lipbalm (which i will do a review <3 ) . We then went to the park, which took forever because i took alot of pictures >^< (hehe ducks c:).SO YAY!~ Also I MIGHT open a shop, so give me what you would want in it besides food or electronics >w<. Going to post other pictures ♥  Things would be fine except for the fact that my level 7 theory test is tomorrow DUNDUNDUNNNN DX, hope I pass (pray for me >w<!!). So yeh... (: Hope you guys have a nice weekend xD SLEEP ALOT! 

Thanks for reading my blog 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Like My....

New icon? I'm not sure if all of you can see it, but on the tab where the orange B usually is is a cloud <: I drew it? like it :'D sorry its a bit small >w<~

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

99 cents store ♥

   Okay, I didn't go today, I went on Sunday, but I just had to share the benefits of the 99 cents store ♥.  One of my happy places is the 99 cents store :'D, and I always am able to find good deals, such as a kitchen scale (just need to reset it each time). Now, it's not like if you buy something at the 99 cents store, it'll be that good quality , so look carefully (:!
What you should buy:
* cooking utensils ( like small pans, spatulas, measuring cups, their really good and cheap)
*baking things 
* pencils and led (now 99 cents lead breaks easily, but its like 99 cents for 200 pieces xD, and the pencils can break easily, if you write hard o.o)
* erasers, note cards,stationary,notebooks,envelopes (cheapcheapcheap > u <)
* candy 
* some food ( be sure to check, i suggest not to buy flavored cereal or name brand cookies at the 99 cents store, because they taste weird)
*ramen, pasta xD

* Things that go with sandwiches (like jarred olives,jalapenos,and ketchup)
* containers and coat hangers
*bath supplies (sponges)

*cleaning supplies
*hair things (hair ties, bows, hairbands)
*there are more stuff that you can buy, depending on your budget xD
Okay, now on to things you should not buy:

*skin products. (they may cause an allergic reaction or smell really bad)
* earphones (they probably would die easily)
* batteries (short life)
*cheap toys (like those princess nail sets, or plastic toys/ break easily)
Yeah, there's a lot of benefits to a 99 cents store, but you also have to think if you really want/need it, or else the total will be like 90 dollars xDDD

Thanks for reading 

Enjoy life, be happy, and love the world 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Rice flour+water+ a high watt microwave = ?

FAAIIILLLUUURREE Dx, ok so I try to make mochi, but it turns out too sticky @_@ (i think it's because i had a too high watt microwave) >w< so i fried it. o .o and it turned out looking like raw meat >:L (because i put red bean) ; n ; actually usually I'm really good at cooking D: :/ so yeah D: but it taste kind of good o.o kind of like burnt sugar (like on kernal popcorn) and with a chewiness and a bit of red bean o.o (so confusing) ok baiiz xD

Saturday, February 18, 2012

How to make your own "Ice Cream"

1. half and half milk (small carton)
2. 4-5 cups of ice
3. 2 regular freezer sized Ziploc bag
4. a big freezer sized Ziploc bag
5. Ice cream salt ( about 3 tablespoons)
6. spoons
7. Warm Gloves (to keep your hands from freezing xD)
8. Sugar and flavoring
9. Time
10. Bowls and spoons
1. put the cream,flavoring, and sugar in a regular freezer sized Ziploc bag
2. before sealing the bag, let all the air out,seal it, then put it into the other regular sized Ziploc bag
3. seal the regular sized Ziploc bag and put it into the big freezer bag
4. surround the regular sized Ziploc bag with ice and ice cream salt
5. let all the air out of the big one and close it
6. SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE IT xDD (make sure the small Ziploc bag is always surrounded by the ice)
7. when the cream feels a little like a solid, you can take it out c:
8. carefully take the small Ziploc bag out (might want to cover the table with paper towels)
9. scoop out the "ice cream" into a bowl or cup c:
10. Enjoy!!! \(o u o)/
Notes: This ice cream isn't as good as store bought, its more like creamy shaved ice xD. It does melt easily so eat it quickly (but not too quickly so that u get a brain freeze) xD

Friday, February 17, 2012

Strawberries, Mushrooms, and Ice Cream?! ☃

HOORAY FOR FRIIIDDAAYY!! (to most people anyways xD) Today was a nice day ~ O u O. In first period we made "ice cream" (more like creamy shaved ice) I will post how to make it soon (;. At our school we have this book fair, where the library turns into a book store xD. Anyways they had these ADORABLE mushroom erasers ♥ The top is an eraser and the bottom is a sharpener ♥ :3 During Humanities the guy sitting next to me (my korean friend) was listening to vocaloid so I listened a bit too o u o, BUT I DID NOT GET ANYTHING, just liked the beats xD. After                      school I went to my friends house (Yay \( o  u o)/) and yeah....  LOLOL 

♥ Sorry if this was boring 

Keep trying to catch that shooting star ;) ♥ 

Thanks for reading 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Jar Of Hearts ♥

                                                                                                             Jar Of Hearts 
  Hii Whoever is reading this xD lalala~ Not much happened today, but it is extremely windy >w<. I made puffy hearts (using star paper cut in half) :'D thought it looked pretty cute. Tomorrow we're making ice cream in science xD HOORAY!~ (but I don't think it'll have much flavor ): ) Ummm I got coffe candy again ♥ (yumm) Feeling too lazy to do hw o n o.OHOH today my korean friends taught me korean ♥ YAY ( i still fail x3), I may also start THE ADVENTURES OF POCKY xD. I want to fly a kite today ♥ xDDD....                                                    

Okay, sorry this was pretty boring LOL (mustaches <-- what?xD) C:

Thanks for reading ; u ; 

Keep dreaming up high 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Its Raining, Its Pouring, And I Am Just Blogging ☂

I'm not sure if you can really see it, but the road is wet
\(≧◡≦)/ The star on the window, by the way is made by my friend since like uhm 4th or 3rd grade O___O. I might post some things I cooked and review them soon C:~ I LOVEE RAIN :'D, someone also gave me coffee candy today in class .... yum \(╯▽╰)/ hehe, hmm well my theory pianio test in level 7 is coming soon ;  n ; -sighsigh- I DON'T LIKE THEM D: And I have 2 tests tomorrow. BUT IT RAINED! ♥
Ok, Have to go study now xD..... (maybe lol) :3
Thanks for reading my blog ; u ;
♥ Keep smiling and enjoying life ♥

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My First Post \(O u O)/

Yay (: !
I don't have alot of post right now(and i lag too much to post picture ):) but I will find stuff; umm stuff that has been happening recently are my jar of stars has almost reached 200 <3, umm yesterday it was raining, and then it became dried after o_o, it might rain tomorrow~ YAY Oh!
A good song for rainy days is: I Am A Pirate You Are A Princess, by PlayRadioPlay (: ITS MY FAVORITE SONG XD (linkin park is awesome too <3)
Hope you find one thing in your day, that made you smile!~ Baiiz (: