1. half and half milk (small carton)
2. 4-5 cups of ice
3. 2 regular freezer sized Ziploc bag
4. a big freezer sized Ziploc bag
5. Ice cream salt ( about 3 tablespoons)
6. spoons
7. Warm Gloves (to keep your hands from freezing xD)
8. Sugar and flavoring
9. Time
10. Bowls and spoons
1. put the cream,flavoring, and sugar in a regular freezer sized Ziploc bag
2. before sealing the bag, let all the air out,seal it, then put it into the other regular sized Ziploc bag
3. seal the regular sized Ziploc bag and put it into the big freezer bag
4. surround the regular sized Ziploc bag with ice and ice cream salt
5. let all the air out of the big one and close it
6. SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE IT xDD (make sure the small Ziploc bag is always surrounded by the ice)
7. when the cream feels a little like a solid, you can take it out c:
8. carefully take the small Ziploc bag out (might want to cover the table with paper towels)
9. scoop out the "ice cream" into a bowl or cup c:
10. Enjoy!!! \(o u o)/
Notes: This ice cream isn't as good as store bought, its more like creamy shaved ice xD. It does melt easily so eat it quickly (but not too quickly so that u get a brain freeze) xD
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