Saturday, February 25, 2012

Trees :)

YERYERYER, hallo everyone :'D
Sorry I didn't post anything on friday, mostly because my friend and i walked home from school. We went to Rite Aid and I baught an eos lipbalm (which i will do a review <3 ) . We then went to the park, which took forever because i took alot of pictures >^< (hehe ducks c:).SO YAY!~ Also I MIGHT open a shop, so give me what you would want in it besides food or electronics >w<. Going to post other pictures ♥  Things would be fine except for the fact that my level 7 theory test is tomorrow DUNDUNDUNNNN DX, hope I pass (pray for me >w<!!). So yeh... (: Hope you guys have a nice weekend xD SLEEP ALOT! 

Thanks for reading my blog 

1 comment:

  1. um...earings and necklaces....bracelets..(sorry if i spell them wrong)..and books and of course staplers...ETC.
