Monday, April 30, 2012

WOOT WOOOT aww....

So.. HAII :D I went to the 99 cents store (HOORAY!), but now I have to finish the work I didn't finish (A.K.A 2 projects, 2 study guides, a wordly wise unit, and derpiness XD), so aww :c but I baught some cool stuff at the 99 cents store e u e (YAY). Sooo I baught a  sakura cherry blossom perfume ;u; (it looks pretty (bottle) and smells alright :'D) (WOOT WOOT ♥ ) , I baught bubble mailers ♥ (for my shop?), stuff for my poetry project (which kinda failed because instead of letter stickers I bought number stickers ;-;) I baught a brush-comb :'D (because I needed a new one) and these really good pens >:D ALL FOR 99 CENTS! (free advertising XDD!!!) (lol jk ) ♥ But I'm really happy ouo. Also my mom baught me this "waist trimmer", should i be offended? LOL jk xDDD I wore it and it feels weird but its also interesting xDDDD. (yeryeryer) (btw, I am not offended if people call me fat, because I am fat, and I became fat, because I grew lazy during the summer of 7th grade xD... I also baught $10 white sneakers at target (hip hip hooray!) , I know white shoes get dirty easily, but... I PLAN TO CUSTOMIZE THEM >;3 (what an awesome idea ♥ ). I plan to buy Mod podge and like stick manga scenes on it <3 (okatouness ♥ ) XD I just hope it works with printer paper ♥.Yeah.... I love going to the 99 cents store.... (but I buy alot of random things xDD) okay now... I NEEDA STOP PROCRASINATING -crashes self into wall- -jk- -I could never do that - -boohoo- -derp- ♥ Hope chu readers get your hw done soon and sleep alot! XD Yerpyerpyerp ♥ 

~An opportunity is always near you, just look hard for it :D~

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