Sunday, June 3, 2012

Radishes are dancing like a boss o u o

    I had a good day today... but it may be my last good day D:! (joking) I just have auditions this week and my Spanish final next week -SIIIGGHHH- hope I do well > u <. I got pink eye this week (or it was bug bites on my eye) and then a bug bit my other eye @ n @ , then half of my face was bitten. (but happily the tiger balm did it's magic and it disappeared! :D) My mom bought white radish yesterday and then cut it and dried it <3 Now our garden looks like an "Asian" garden. (An "Asian" garden is just my preference of the kind of gardens I usually see that Asians have (not to be raciest >.<!!!)) Basically an "Asian" garden has a clothes line, a place where you dry herbs and food, lots of flowers, food, and a tree, and it's pretty green and healthy xD! 
Anyways here is how to make dried white radish:  
1. Clean the big white radish and cut off the leaves
2. Cut it in half (hot dog way) then cut the 2 pieces in half again (hamburger way) and lastly cut it in half (hot dog way)
3. Cut a slit into the pieces
4. Hang it on the clothes line by inserting the pieces onto the clothes line.

   Today I went to an Vietnamese town, and there was a LOT of restaurants for Pho or Thai or rice cake xD! (the green layered one is coconut and it is very creamy and yummy) (unfortunately I didn't bring my camera so I don't have any) They also had this huge food market , which was like a supplier for  restaurants? Best of all, there was this huge container full of... STRAWBERRY BOBA (and mango and honey dew <3 ) Though it was expensive > w < . They also had a lollicup (yum <3 ) I got pineapple tea this time ; u ;.

Be sure to watch the sky on June 5th, 3-8pm , for the Venus transit in front of the sun! (it is a rare event only possible to see again in 2117) <3.

Thank you for reading my blog! <3 :)

P.S. Radish dances in anime are so funny xDDD 

"Always take chances, because some of them can be surprisingly sweet <3 "

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