Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A New Adventure Awaits!

Hello ! :D I'm leaving for china tomorrow ( ´∀') . So nervous to meet my relatives since I changed alot (ahemahemfatahemahem) xDDD (T▽T) Well I'm excited to go shopping in China and going on an airplane and visiting the so called "panda mountain" >:DDD People say they hate long airplane flights, but i find it really fun o u o. Am I weird? It's like once in a while the flight attendant comes and brings you something like a drink or food, and then sometime's there's a movie and you bring something fun so you can do something fun on the plane  ( ゜∀゜) I think it's fun as long as you don't hate the person sitting beside you (lol) (jk) :D Though even if I went to summer school I wouldn't be sad because most of my friends are going to summer school and it seems nice (≧∇≦).Bwhahaha which reminds me, I got my friend obsessed with black butler >:3 (because Sebastian is, well to say.. LIKE A BOSS) (I feel like someone's going to face palm on that ) (o u o) There's a new anime I've been watching called Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko . It's pretty interesting, but i guess it's boring if you want action xD. Unfortunately it was just uploaded on the site where I can watch without it dieing of lag ;~;, so I'll have to wait till I get back </3.  Ah well I better get to sleep, so hope to blog in china! If I can, I will post many pictures ♥!

 ♥ Thanks for reading  

 ♥ There are places to go, people to see, and lessons to learn, and expectations to meet, but if you rush too much you'll end up ignoring the most important thing; enjoying the time you have to make memories