Saturday, March 24, 2012

Food is my only love ♥

 -leforeveralone- LOL jking :D, sorry I haven't been blogging much (I don't have much going on in my life D: ) On Friday I went with my good friend to Albertsons to buy my lunch :DD (I'm making lunch next week). Anyways I also baught a bento box, chopsticks, onigiri mold, and separaters (dividers). xD.. The bento box and chopstick were plain so I made a sticker and stuck it on o u o. In total I think I spent about 30 dollars? (including the food) Hoooray! <3 The onirgiri mold has instructions so I hope I can make some good rice balls e u e. Today I made a deal with my mom that if I read this chinese book that I'd get to bake whatever I wanted. (Usually she doesn't let me bake, because she thinks I eat it all and grow fat >^<....) So I decided to bake egg muffins (search "Korean egg muffins" on youtube and click the one that has a plate of muffins with an egg in the middle (aerieskitchen i think) Anyways the process was messy for me, but they turned out really well. The muffin tin I had was too small for an egg, so I only did one muffin with an actual egg, and did the rest plain. IT TURNED OUT REALLY YUMMY XD!!! The inside is fluffy and slightly sweet, it smells like corn bread, and its like golden brown. Delicious <3.. yeah I've had a pretty good week so far (: :'D

 Even the hardest things, will turn into a big surprise, and usually a good one (: 

Thanks for reading ♥ 

Saturday, March 17, 2012


I guess I'm one of those people who are easily contented, truely, but alot of the time I'm selfish e n e. Anyways I got a super early birthday present today, its this giant bear o u o. I baught it from costco for 29.99 (kind of expensive for a bear i guess ; n ;) but still <3 ! Also, today rained! :'D YAAAY! the bear is 53" and I'm a bit taller than it e n e. Also on friday my friend and I baked a cake, and we decided to bake a watermelon cake. In the end, the outside was like a normal yellow cake (since we used cake mix) and the inside was watermelon colors, 

pretty cool e u e. Now all i need to do to able to die contently is to 1. eat alot of cake o u o 2. plant a garden of rainbow roses 3. travel the world!
Hoooray! :D 

Sorry I havn't posted much lately, not much to post about :D

 Thanks for reading 

Be grateful for what you have, and you'll find happiness 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Daylight Savings! :D:

 Hooray for daylight savings! (not really) xD
Yesterday I kind of made dinner x.x (mom help me with cutting the chicken when cleaning it) ISN'T IT AWESOME XDDD. (lolol) :'D It tasted alright... but not that crispy on the outside x.x. Heres the recipe for the cucumbers:
you need: lemon juice, cucumber , soy sauce, sesame oil , salt, and pepper
Cut the cucumber in half (short side)
Cut the cucumber into circle peices
Put the circle peices into many stacks and cut the stacks in half
Then put it in a bowl
Add the lemon juice, soy sauce and sesame oil
                                                                        and mix  , then add the salt and pepper and mix
                                                                       and your done! Hooray :'D
                                                                        Ok bye now o.o, sorry if this was boring xD...
                                                                          Thanks for reading

  Love food, enjoy cooking, and be grateful for life, because you only have one to live it happily   

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Mana potions/Mp xD

Sorry its blurry~
If you don't understand what it is , search up Mana Potion. (it's a gaming item) XDD

The Park ♥

E O S lipbalm - Summer fruit ☺

           Hehe, I've been talking about this for weeks, before buying it I've done my research,and  finally decided to buy this lip balm that everyone was raving about. ♥ (hehe :3) I don't usually wear lip balm because I don't like the stickiness of some lip balms, but my lip was dry, so I baught it xD. I love the packaging, its a beautiful pastel color, or in my case a reddish color (:. It is shaped like a capsule, and you twist it to open it, on top of the packaging is the logo (EOS). Once you open it there are plastic things covering the inside of the container (therefore, the lip balm does not smear ☺ ) You can use it right after you open the capsule, it is hardish and smooth, just smile and rub it on your lips (or  whatever way your comfortable with it), it smells extremely nice, and does not feel oily at all (or sticky!) ☺ It actually taste pretty good too (LOLOL I licked my lip a little), it has a sweetish flavor, but don't eat it xD.... So yeah, just because I love this lip balm, I've decided to only buy this brand of lipbalm >;3 ♥ Rating : over 9000 ♥ (lololol) So yeah, if you want a comftorable, smooth, cool looking , and nice smelling lip gloss get it! ♥
(I'm so addicted to it) (LOLOL sounded wrong D:) (sorry xD...)

♥ Thanks for reading this review ♥


</3 terribly sorry you guys ): I haven't posted anything in a week (after I promised to do a review and add pictures) Dx SORRY -bows- Please don't stop reading my blog </3 ;< jk 

Lol, but yeah I haven't posted much because I was very busy/lazy this week (excuses excuses xD) . One thing I'm extremely glad is that I finish my level 7 cm testing ♥ (Now if only I can pass >w<) , Umm I'm opening a facebook shop soon (still deciding) , I'm going to China if my math improves (fail asian Dx...) xD. Umm yeah, I'll post pics up soon (if my internet isn't dead ): )